Monday, 30 November 2009

30th November, 2009 Happy Wedding Day - Part 1

现在是凌晨三点钟, 郑萍萍没有得好睡. 哈哈哈 (改篇张智成的”凌晨三点钟”)

我这次真的破记录了, 因为我两天没睡觉了, 真的都没睡到, 希望明天我的妆可以把我的熊猫眼遮得”美美”的…哈哈哈, 一个二十二岁的小妹妹, 半夜不要睡觉, 却在这留下日记 =)

昨晚, 家里来了好多亲戚, 爸爸和大哥为了要搞热家里气氛, 特邀亲戚到家来吃晚餐, 顿时我家也成了暂时的餐馆了, 因为餐馆来了许多美味的佳肴 =)

虽然结婚是大喜事, 但真的好累哦…都不是我自己结婚都累到这样, 那如果是我的结婚典礼? 那又会是如何呢? 啊哈哈哈哈哈哈, 老实说, 那应该还是很久的事, 想那么多干嘛? 哈哈哈..

十一月和十二月真的好多人结婚哦, 是真的很多…多到我现在看到酒楼的菜肴都有点反胃-_-好像没有礼貌的说哈哈…给我大老板(老爸) 听到我就惨了…^_^

大哥和二姐早上四点就出门打扮去了, 因为等等要走教堂, 所以就得早出门准备…而伴郎和司机穿着大西装在凌晨两点半就登门拜访吃寿面了, 家里好热闹. 但那么早的伴郎和司机,我还是第一次见 =)

爸爸今早的西装是我帮他准备的, 帮他打完领带, 穿上白衬衫和西装外套后, 他突然问了我一句, 爸爸帅吗? 我突然大笑起来了, 因为最近不知道为什么, 我老爸老是问老妈和姐姐们, 问是你们的爸爸帅吗? 做女儿的我们说了, 爸爸你真的很帅, 出自我们真心的回答 =) 哈哈

我跟天父爸爸祷告着, 今天大哥的婚礼有天父爸爸的带领, 将会有满满的祝福. 我爱你, 天父爸爸=)

Have a blessed day =) 30th November, 2009.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

I FeeL blessed, Happy Birthday to me !

26th Nov, 2009
Location: Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia.

It’s been almost 4 years that I didn’t celebrate my own birthday with my Family. It’s not because I don’t want to celebrate with my Lovely Family, but I’m always away from home on my birthday. However, I thank God that since my first birthday year until now, my family always celebrate together with me and if I’m away from home, they will also send their best greeting to me. Thank God for giving me a lovely family =) and Thank God for the HolidaY too…Lol.

I feel so blessed this year, because I never thought that I can celebrate with my family. As I thought, we are really hard to gather especially after we grew up. It’s because some of them need to take care of their family, business, work and even study and I’m so touched that we can gather finally on my birthday, although they actually came back for eldest brother’s marriage ceremony on 30th Nov, nonetheless, thank you brother for making your big day near to my birthday hahahahahaha…

Time flies, Tang’s family became so big just after 4 years? There are Baba, Mama, Eldest brother and Sister in law, Eldest Sister and Brother in law, Second Sister and Brother in law, Third Sister, Brother in law and their baby boy in sister’s tummy, youngest little brother and me =) wao…I can’t imagine the scene after 5 more years….how would it be? hehehe =p

Today is my birthday, but that is not why I am writing this blog. I still remember my Shepherd taught me to be less on ourselves but more on Him and I am writing this to give thanks to Jesus Christ for sacrificing His life for us and allowing me to be here for this long time and able to continue to smile and find love in my heart to reach out to others. I give praise to God and I am not ashamed to do this.

One of the first birthday wishes I received is came from FaceBook two days ago and I said to myself....this is another good reason for the social networks =) there are people there that care! Thank you very much and God’s blessings is with you =)

There are so many things going on in the world nowadays that it is sometimes a challenge to find the good, but what I try to remember when it’s hard to find the good is remember that I wake up this morning, that I have my health and strength remained, and a beautiful family and yes! I can have a smile. And this all makes me remember "God is Good" and what should you say? “All the times” Amen =)

In Matthew 7:7 that I meditated, Talk and Pray to God, I believe that when a door is closed, God will open a new door for you when you ask, seek and find =) Let the closed door goes and look for the new door that is already opened for you.

26th Nov 2009, Thursday has been an awesome night for me. Once a year that’s a special day rolls around. It was not the first time I celebrate my birthday with my family, but I still feel so fresh and blessed to have all of you together with me in this special day =) Glory to God, Amen.

Nevertheless, I really thank God for all my friends…God is so good, He always bless me with friends around me. I never feel lonely after I accepted Christ. And What is a birthday without friends, right? haha...

Dear my beloved friends, thank you for planning a dinner for me, What a nice surprise. I feel glad to have all of you with me, thank you for all presents and cards, thank you for sweet greetings in sms, thank you for sweet birthday blessings in FaceBook and even MSN. thank you to my Shepherd Kim Kim, UL Soe kian, and Sis Elaine for making a call and singing birthday song to me...very touched =) I appreciate all you have done that makes me feel so blessed in Christ =)

Last but not the least, I want to give thanks specially to a person here, who is my beloved Mummy, I love the Red Wine Chicken soup that you cooked for all of us and the BIG Blueberry Cake that you made for me. Mummy, I Love you forever. May God bless you and daddy abundantly with good health, good business and wonderful Life.

Today is not only my birthday, but also the big day of Hope Church International (HIM). Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I pray that all of you have a blessed time in MNC, granted wisdom by God. Please open your Eyes and Heart and let God speaks “gao gao” with all of you =) although I can’t make it for this year, but I promised that I will go to MNC on next several years around 2010 =)

God bless and Happy Birthday to me! (Smile)

More of Him, Less of me,
CLaRa 26th Nov, 2009

*sorry for not managed to take a lot of photo*

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Jesus Christ is the same Yesterday and Today and ForeveR

In Jesus, we can hav peace. No matteR wht trials you are going througH, you can hav peace buT you need to keep ur focus on Jesus. TrusT Him to hear N answer ur prayers in His time N in His way.

Perhaps de miracLe is waiTing for us some Time in de Future…perhaps He has a different Purpose in all of This. I only know I must TrusT in Him, because withouT Him nothing makes sense. He is my Hope, my Joy and my Peace =)

Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same Yesterday and Today and ForeveR” =)

Have a blessed day and remember to pray aLways =)

Matthew 26:39 “Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."

In His Love,
CLaRa 24.11.09

Friday, 20 November 2009


How are your spiriTs foR Today?
My mood is very Good Today =)
No reaL ReasoN, jusT Happy with Life (=