Today is 15th day of the Chinese New Year. Having for almost 15 days of holiday, I should really thank God for everything He had done for me. I really had a great time with family, relatives and Friends. I thank God that on the 14th days of Chinese New Year, I managed to skype with my Shepherd and updated our recent condition, had a nice conversation with her. I miss her very much and wish to talk by face to face, if I can =)
Am going to fly back to the place I supposed to be there on tomorrow and of course having a strong and mixed feeling. Hopefully I can manage to handle my mood well, perhaps it takes time.
I feel like I’m flying through airplane every month and everywhere. Airplane has become one of my main transports as it’s more convenient and JIMAT MASA but sometimes the ticket is just too expensive, perhaps to book earlier next time before you’re going to fly. Nevertheless, I thank God for MAS and AIR ASIA’s service, Hiak hiak hiak =D
Finally, after Char Gor Meh dinner, I should recheck my luggage packing as I just started my packing last night. There are really a lot of things and food for me to pack.
I will be very busy on the following three months. I pray everything would go smoothly in God’s hand. I had actually confirmed what my next venture is but I still need HIM to be with me every time and everywhere, because I have peace in my heart when HE is with me.
Have to stop at here. I promise that if I got extra time I will come here often and update my condition.
Last but not the least, I wish everyone a Happy and Blessed CHAP GOR MEH. May God bless all of you abundantly.
This is the key to access the Heaven’s door hahaha…just joking. Haven’t touched this key for almost a month. Am going to open this door very soon. May God bless me every time and everywhere.
Buaiiiiiiii buaiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
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