Sunday, 15 March 2009

Sunday, 15 March, 2009

Everything should be over…
You and I…
After a call, the past memories stirred up…
Haven’t I told myself not to turn back and mourn over those memories?

I have told myself that the past memories would not be coming back to me,but,is turning back really the answer that I seek for?
Then what is it for when I was trying so hard to forget about them???????

I have been missing my family recently…but when would I be able to return to my home???But what if I return to my home???

I dislike being wrapped with love by my parents, not because I am ignorant towards the feeling of happiness when I’m blessed with happiness, but it’s just that it feels I’ll never grow to be independent...

I am exhausted, because no matter what I involved myself in, it's jz seems like I’ve always makes myself tired...

But why am I doing this???

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