Thursday 28 May 2009

Just too Tired

I’m not psychologically tired, but it’s something that I don’t understand, something that is hard to understand.
I can’t find anyone whom I can speak to...
And I don't even know how to share it with You, O Lord...
Finished typing my message but I did not send it out…
I’ve thought and thought about it and accidentally fell asleep...
There’s a lot of bad intentions...
Dislike Human, because they’ve been fake...
Dislike myself, because I am unable to conceal my unhappiness, and due to this reason, I’ve made people worried…
But are they really worried?
I’m starting to lose my trust in people
I think I am really mistaken…
Miserably mistaken…
Lord…you're becoming further and further away from me…
I have no more will to pray anymore…


jsb said...

Take a step back and take a deep breath. Calm your mind. Love&trust come from a tranquil mind..

W.W.Chan said...

For me, I'd just pay attention to my course now ... walking towards professionalism in engineering world. that's my target.

I was interrupted with a lot of thoughts when i was in Curtin though. Mb cas my maturity during that time was not so well developed and keep thinking of stuffs which is not relevant to studies.

Mostly ur problem only u can sort it out cas only urself knows what answer satisfies you.

This might not help you much but is just an advise. Don't think too much. Just be yourself. Also, keep yourself busy and you won't be interrupted by irrelevant thoughts.