Tuesday 15 April 2008

A Busy Day

Just reached home around 6pm, 7pm strike watched TV show, 8pm took my bath, Now is 9:35pm and my house is very cool now, eldest sister left for work at Kuching last night, siblings all study and working, just left my parents, third sister and I, no one accompany me to talk, to play, feel not used to it…

This week I stayed at college to manage some of my things, I got my syllabus last week, and just got the result transcript this week, everything need to be photo-copied and certified by Mr. Eric. The Director of Studies of UCS and after that just can be sent to apply for my degree, very annoying but this make me more experience to manage all this things…

Besides, I need to scan all my documents into my laptop because the college wants me to E-mail them my particulars so I need to follow instructions, I never scan a thing before but since yesterday, I learnt…funny? Just know how to scan now…

Everything is ready, and the next things I need to do is to buy bank draft and post to the colleges, may everything going well and hope the college will enroll me and let me to further my study, God, lead me, thanks Lord.

Today a bit hard feeling to leave my college, this morning I chat with Johnson and when I leave, I met my lecturer Fion, she gave me some working suggestion and I met my course leader Ms. Wendy too. I chat with her a while and after that Mr. Joseph Sia, he gave me some suggestion on my further study, greeted me and I met some other x-classmates too. Thanks for all companion from the beginning to the end and I will remember always and also for those I didn’t met today, (Miss Lai Lai, Miss Amy Lim, Miss Lili and Mr. Lau) haha, argh~ still, Ms. Flora who is oversea now, may God bless all of you^^

Finally, I’m happy today because my friend, Shirley make sushi for me to try, she is not satisfy with the outcome but you are really great because you are the one of all my female friends that can do something for me to eat, I appreciate, the sushi are very nice and my parents said so, hahaha…no cheating and it’s real from my heart. Hehehe~

Huuuuu~ very tired, stop here by today, good night and God love you^^


Hello Kitty said...

at 1st, need to thank u for helping me scanning and applying the stuffs~ hahaha~ kampua with no soup~ :p :p

u still dare take photo~ i feel wanna killing people now!! -_-""

CLaRa TanG said...

You're welcome, but kampua's soup is free, so no need to pay,arhahahaha blerk:p

And the photo? hahaha, i think it is nice and tasty, u dare to kill me? hahahahaha^^

Anonymous said...

Congrats on passing ur all exams in UCS. I'm very proud of U. Still remember that U are one of my top students.

Hoping ur future be filled with happiness and success.

CLaRa TanG said...

Dear Amy,

Thanks for the knowledge u gave me and let me graduated, i'm keep on going ahead for my dream and wish u all the best and Happy Teaching^^