Sunday, 22 June 2008

UCS PROM NIGHT 2008/6/20

Huu~ this few days very busy until now I just can sit down properly to update my blog and photos. Prom night for this years I was really happy because I can sit down to enjoy the programs, last year I was really busy to see any program. So I’m fulfilled this year!

Honestly, doesn’t know what I need to write, let’s share some photos here, happy viewing. hehehe~

Three of us with two Lecturers, Lai Lai and Wendy^^

Shirley and I

Josephine and I

I just hold on his clothes becos Shirley ask me not too close with him^^ right Shirley??

CLara, Biky and Shirley

Wendy and I

Lai Lai andI

Four of US

Biky and I

Miss Amy and Three of Us

Alan Didi and I

Miss Fion and three of US

Mr.Billy and Clara


Clara, Agnes, Biky and Shirley

Agnes and I

James and I... James, where are u looking??

Carter and I

Good Night to everyone of u^^

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