Thursday, 6 November 2008

Did you ever think who is your Best Friend in the World?

This is my care group's sister, they are sharing about their best friend in life^^

I have really enjoyed their sharings...

Thanks for God's leading^^

Quote to Share:
"Good friends are like stars-you don't always see them, but you know they are always there. "


Kimmie said...

hi Clara, its good to know you are joining the CG. i believe God will bless you with this bunch of frens around you. u will be a blessing to this group as well.. stay close, to Jesus =)

CLaRa TanG said...

Ya:) I appreciate the time with them and you as well...Thanks for ur comment^^
wish you all the best in ur work and God Bless You^^

Victor Kiu said...

wah, Lenglui's friends!! hahaa