Wednesday 9 January 2008


Today, today, when I was looking at my timetable I just knew that I got 2 presentations to go on week 10. One is on 24th Jan and another is on 25th Jan. as a conclusion, I need to accomplish all my things on next week. That is week 9.

At this stage, I was speechless and everything isn’t under my command. What I can do is just walk with the time. If the time not waiting for me, I also can’t do anything.

This semester, time flashing over and because of too many holidays, like tomorrow also, and following is the holiday for Chinese New Year. Time passed very fast and we have to appreciate the time.

Although I’m in stress, but I’ll still take the time to do my work. I’ll strive for it!!Happy Go Lucky^^

May God with me, Thanks God^^


Hello Kitty said...

Good Luck to U and Me :))

CLaRa TanG said...

okay..u too^^